Player Name * First Name Last Name Graduating Class * Please select class or status 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 College transfer Looking to go pro Primary position for the recruiting video * Outfield Third Base Shortstop Second Base First Base Pitcher Catcher DH If more than one position for video - please rank them in their order of importance. Throwing arm: * Left Right Hitting side: Left Right Switch What is your height? * Batting Average Data/or performance measurements you would like to share: Baseball honors/awards: G.P.A.: Do you play more than one sport? If yes, what sport(s)? High School academic honors, awards, athletic honors: Other accomplishments/interests: Non-athletic extra curricular activities: Do you participate in any clubs or organizations at school? College Academic Interest(s): Do you currently have an area of college study you are interested in? Personal Identifiable Information (PII) below will not be included in your video. High School Name * Where is your high school located? * City, state (and country if out of the US) Coaching References Baseball Club and location * Baseballl Club Website Athlete Contact Information Preference What is the best email to send the review link to the video? * Athlete's Release Form * AUTHORIZATION TO USE OR RELEASE OF INFORMATION I/we hereby authorize Mercury Productions, Inc. to allow the reproduction, dissemination, and/or publication of my/our child's name and likeness for media coverage, public relations, or any other purpose which may involve the use of photographs, film, video or audio tape recording. This is to be done in conjunction with my/our child's participation with Mercury Productions, Inc.'s videotaping and editing service and creation of an online baseball skills/highlight video and/or any other related activity. I/we understand that I/we or my/our child will not be paid a fee, nor will I/we or my/our child receive any payment for the possible commercial use of my/our child's name or likeness. I agree with this authorization and am at least 18 years old. Name of authorizing athlete (if 18 years old): * Name of authorizing parent/guardian * If athlete is under 18 years of age Date * MM DD YYYY Thank you! Please complete this form to your satisfaction. Please add any additional information you would like to include.